The itch-presence of the Game Design program of UE University of Applied Sciences Europe.
The program focalizes on the development of innovative, experimental and expressive games. With always keeping an eye on the artistic-creative vision, students are learning the interrelatedness of Game Design, Game Arts and Game Programming in all its aspects. The development of the game projects is framed by a deep media-theoretical analysis of the medium games, as well as an overview of the management and financial conditions of the local and international game industry.
Game Design // UE Berlin proudly presents the Süper Mega Game Pack 2018! Süper Mega Game Pack 2018 is a collection of nine of the greatest games created by our Game Design students. The collection was chosen by a jury of lecturers, profes...
Our first real Rundgang! Very much looking forward to it! Projects / games / events / experiments made by our awesome students and supervised by… Sebastian Stamm Richard Boeser Jörg Reisig Jörg Friedrich Vladimir Isailovic Adrian Azadva...